Hey, how are you Guys? Are you studying or having fun outside? As a schoolgirl I have to say it is unfair that during a whole week the weather is great and when weekend comes it comes with "lovely" rain. When there is so much nice things to do it is difficult to focus on school and studying all the time. That is why I am checking what is new on Karla's instagram and working on my little project instead of looking inside the Makbeth's psycho-profile. This "work" let me believe that I am so busy doing right things, but the truth is that studying polish on tomorrow's test is the right thing :)
from one extreme to another
Cześć jak się macie? Wykorzystujecie pogodny tydzień czy siedzicie nad książkami? Jako uczennica muszę stwierdzić że to trochę niesprawiedliwe, że piękną pogodą możemy się cieszyć tylko w ciągu tygodnia, a kiedy przychodzi upragniony weekend wraz z nim przychodzi "ukochana" plucha. W tygodniu ciężko skupić się na nauce, kiedy dookoła tyle pokus, nie trzeba nawet wychodzić z domu, żeby na nie natrafić w końcu taka aura otwiera nasze umysły ;) I właśnie z tego powodu zamiast zagłębiać się w profil psychologiczny Makbeta jestem tutaj, przeglądam zdjęcia wspaniałej Karli i pracuje nad małym projektem, którym mam nadzieję niedługo się Wam pochwalę. Takim nawałem pracy staram się oszukać samą siebie, że robię to, co do mnie należy, nawet jeśli otwarta książka do polskiego woła o zainteresowanie, którego zdecydowanie nie jestem w stanie jej teraz zapewnić (dobra, dobra, już do niej wracam ;)
Hey, how are you Guys? Are you studying or having fun outside? As a schoolgirl I have to say it is unfair that during a whole week the weather is great and when weekend comes it comes with "lovely" rain. When there is so much nice things to do it is difficult to focus on school and studying all the time. That is why I am checking what is new on Karla's instagram and working on my little project instead of looking inside the Makbeth's psycho-profile. This "work" let me believe that I am so busy doing right things, but the truth is that studying polish on tomorrow's test is the right thing :)
Hey, how are you Guys? Are you studying or having fun outside? As a schoolgirl I have to say it is unfair that during a whole week the weather is great and when weekend comes it comes with "lovely" rain. When there is so much nice things to do it is difficult to focus on school and studying all the time. That is why I am checking what is new on Karla's instagram and working on my little project instead of looking inside the Makbeth's psycho-profile. This "work" let me believe that I am so busy doing right things, but the truth is that studying polish on tomorrow's test is the right thing :)
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